why self medication is risky

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Why Self Medication Is Risky

Just imagine for a moment that you are your car. Now, if there is a breakdown, a flat tire, a problem with ignition or cooling, or a cranking noise from the vehicle, can you get down and fix it yourself?

The obvious answer is NO. You will call a garage, a mechanic and gather all the tools to fix the problem and get your car working.

An unwell person is just like this car that needs mending. It has to be done by those who know how to fix it and by using the right tools. An unskilled person can at times cause more damage than good. A trained doctor knows your body, can recognize the problem and ensure that you get well soon.

Any time that you are feeling unwell, call your doctor, consult him/her and take the right advice. It will help in speedy recovering and put you on a path of a long, healthy journey of life.

Many a times taking medicines on your own, not going for the tests, regular checkups causes harm that takes a long time to reverse. Now, during the COvid-19 pandemic, the fear of catching the infection has kept patients away from the care they need.

Doctors are urging their regular patients not to skip their ongoing medications and treatments. Doctors fear that patients and people ignoring symptoms and delaying treatment will do themselves a lot of harm in the long run. Many doctors have observed that people are believing the social media forwards and posts and treating their medical conditions. This unsubstantiated, and sometimes fake information, can be harmful and should not be followed without proper consultation.

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