caring for children In covid-19 pandemic

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Caring For Children In COVID-19 Pandemic

It’s been more than a year that we have been dealing with Covid-19.

Now, all experts, doctors and governments are warning that children could be most affected in the third wave of the pandemic. Is that making you anxious and worried?

Fear not. Our children have the best weapons to fight infections. Their immune system is like Captain America and the vaccinations they receive since birth are their weapons. They are prepared to fight any infection on their own.

Let’s first understand why everyone is saying that children are at risk. Epidemiologists and infectious diseases experts feel that the virus tends to catch those unexposed or protected during the previous waves of the pandemic. The infection rate among children has been lowest so far in the pandemic and that makes them vulnerable. Moreover, none of the vaccines developed so far are suitable for children.

What can we do to protect our children? Firstly, keep following the Covid-safety norms whether at home or outside, even if you have got the vaccine. Make children understand that they must wash hands frequently, not go to crowded places and wear masks.

So far, most of the children who were infected with Covid-19 were treated at home with least medicines. Just like any other flu bout. Some paracetamol, some multivitamins and lots and lots of love and attention was all it took.

A few children did need to be in hospital and were treated by their pediatricians. An adult, parent or caregiver was by their side as children cannot be left alone during their sick time. More so when everyone is moving about PPE kits, masks, gloves, etc.

So, what should you know and do?

Do NOT panic

Watch out for any symptoms in your child and consult a doctor. Do not self medicate or try to ignore symptoms. The doctors know best Follow the medication and treatment as advised by the doctor Remember that you may have to keep the child in isolation if the treatment is at home.

Keep a plan ready for it. Who will stay with the child, which toys to be kept in the room, how to keep the child entertained and the food availability.

Also, keep in mind that senior citizens and others should not allowed to come in close contact with the child for some days for their safety

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